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Libra Esva version (11 May 2015) has just been released!

Ripubblichiamo integralmente l'annuncio di release di LibraEsva. Cogliamo l'occasione per ricordare che Digiway è partner certificato del Vendor lecchese autore di questa grande soluzione italiana premiata nel mondo.

Ripubblichiamo integralmente l'annuncio di release di LibraEsva.

Cogliamo l'occasione per ricordare che Digiway è partner certificato del Vendor lecchese autore di questa grande soluzione italiana premiata nel mondo.


The latest version is available for all customers with an active subscription.
Public downloads are available from our website at

Fixed problems with duplicate message-id headers when releasing to an Exchange server
Fixed Syslog crash
Fixed Audit Log when releasing messages from Digest Report
Fixed Full Subject UTF8 Support
Bayesian autolearning
Backscattering Spam Score fixed
Unrar Archive support
Fixed TrackMail Bug
Fixed BitDefender Activation on 32bit migrated appliances
Many minor bugs fixed

Graymail Identification and Block Feature
LDAP Custom Filters
Force Web Portal to HTTPS
Timezone Settings
TLS Certificate Upload
Static Routes Eth1 support
SaneSecurity Signatures Support
New realtime raw maillog viewer

Whitelist/Blcaklist now correctly splits multiple recevivers and check against both From/Evelope From
Domain Relay Management Optimized for large entries
Updated IP Reputation and SEM Plugins
Queue Status for both cluster nodes in dashboard panel
Message Release function improvements

Please read carefully upgrade notes.
All users are encouraged to upgrade to keep up to date email protection!

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